Banquet- Nursing: A force for Change

When:  May 4, 2014 from 05:00 PM to 09:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Lambda Lambda Chapter

On Sunday May 4, 2014, Lambda Lambda will be hosting a banquet to celebrate our GSU graduates, nurses and national nurses week. The theme of the event is "Nursing- A Force for Change". It will be held from 5 to 9 pm at the University Country Club in Univeristy Park, Il. The event will include the Debut of an orginal poem commissioned by Lambda Lambda from a local poet to honor nursing, a poster session, a local legistators forum, a panel discussion, raffle and dance performance. The menu includes hor d' Oeuvres, your choice of filet mignon, or lemon chicken and dessert. Tickets are $50/person and can be purchsed by using and our account name of or by sending a check, payable to lambda lambda to Shirley Comer at 1 University Parkway, University Park, Il 60484. 1 CEU will be awarded to attendees. We hope to see you at this spectacular event. Please RSVP to Shirley Comer at by 4-15-14.


University Country Club
23520 Crawford Ave
University Park, IL 60484


Shirley Comer